Adverts and SignsCCTVDormer windowExternal walls in flatsFasciaFlats and MaisonettesFlue, Chimney and Soil or Vent pipesFuel tanksLighting (external)Local news (local information)Maintaining drainpipesManhole and drainsParty WallPatios, driveways and hardstandingRoof windowRoofSatellite dishes, Aerials and AntennaeSecurity alarmShopSolar panel (ground based)Trees and HedgesUnderpinning and foundationsWindows and Doors (for flats)Windows and Doors
Maintaining drainpipes
You do not usually need to apply for planning permission for repairs, maintenance, and very minor works.
Permitted development rights may be available for works that go beyond repair, maintenance, and very minor works. However, you should always check with the Local Planning Authority to confirm that rights have not been removed.
Internal or external works to listed buildings are likely to require listed building consent.