Adverts and SignsCCTVDormer windowExternal walls in flatsFasciaFlats and MaisonettesFlue, Chimney and Soil or Vent pipesFuel tanksLighting (external)Local news (local information)Maintaining drainpipesManhole and drainsParty WallPatios, driveways and hardstandingRoof windowRoofSatellite dishes, Aerials and AntennaeSecurity alarmShopSolar panel (ground based)Trees and HedgesUnderpinning and foundationsWindows and Doors (for flats)Windows and Doors
Flats and Maisonettes
The planning regime for flats and maisonettes differs in many important ways to that which covers houses.
Bear in mind that the permitted development rights which apply to many common projects for houses do not apply to flats.
Read about common projects:
- I want to convert a house (or single flat) to a number of flats, bed-sits or other form of subdivision.
- I want to build an extension to my ground-floor flat.
- I want to build a loft conversion in my top floor flat.
- I want to change the windows of my flat.
- I want to paint the outside of my flat.
- I want to install a satellite dish for my flat.
- I want to convert a space above a shop into a flat.