Stairs and Staircases
Part K of the building regulations requires that stairs, ladders and ramps shall be so designed, constructed and installed as to be safe for people moving between different levels in or about the building.
Learn more about Park K on the Planning Portal.
Loft conversion - To ensure adequate fire safety for the dwelling a new stair serving a new room(s) will be needed. Where there is not enough room for a full traditional stair, it may be possible to use a "space saving" stair. Retractable ladders or stairs are not normally acceptable.
Learn more about loft conversions on the Planning Portal.
Learn more about Park K on the Planning Portal.
Loft conversion - To ensure adequate fire safety for the dwelling a new stair serving a new room(s) will be needed. Where there is not enough room for a full traditional stair, it may be possible to use a "space saving" stair. Retractable ladders or stairs are not normally acceptable.
Learn more about loft conversions on the Planning Portal.